Neon Animals

Animals are a common design motif for neon signs in Hong Kong. Unsurprisingly, they are popular for restaurants, providing a direct and vivid connection of the featured culinary delight. Apart from that, neon animals are also common in signs for bars, clothing shops and other businesses. An example of brands with animal logo trademark is Lee Kung Man Knitting Factory, one of the oldest private clothing companies in China, whose logo is a leaping deer.

The M+ Collection

Animals are featured significantly in two distinct signs in the M+ Collection: the neon cow from Sammy’s Kitchen steak house and Kai Kee Mahjong’s neon rooster ('Kai' means chicken in Cantonese). According to Alex Lam, the owner of the sign, the idea of naming a business after a chicken came from a dream. "There was a little story about it. One day, my father was awakened by a rooster in the dream. On the same day, he went to buy lottery, and he won. That’s why he named his store after a rooster,” Lam said.


Sammy’s Kitchen
Queen’s Road West, Sai Ying Pun

Kai Kee Mahjong

Kai Kee Mahjong
Formerly in Yue Man Square, Kwun Tong
(Image Courtesy: Living in Kwun Tong)

Animal Signs from Public Submissions

We have put together a selection of our favourite animal signs submitted by the public. If you know some other interesting animal signs, please share your photos to Instagram (#hkneon) or email us at [email protected].

fish neon
dragon neon
sheep neon
cow neon
deer neon
panda neon
lobster neon
kangaroo neon
chicken neon

Don't forget to join our "Neon Snap" by uploading your neon sign photos to Instagram (#hkneon & #neonanimal) to win an instant camera!